Congratulations to Brianne Foley affectionately known to her friends and family as "Bri" Bri helped lead her team to the Section 1 AAA girls finals before losing in a tough battle with RC Ketchum. She has been accepted to Johnson & Wales University to continue her studies majoring in Finance She will have the added BONUS of playing basketball at the "next level" at Johnson & Wales.
It seems like yesterday (6 years ago) that she was playing for the Lady Huguenots. We congratulate her and wish her nothing but the BEST as she continues her academic and athletic careers !!

Congratulations to Corey Wanamaker for being accepted to Hampton University and will be a Business Administration Major in the Fall of 2024. Corey started out in the Jr. Huguenot program in 6th grade and has been a model student athlete ever since. The NRBA wishes him nothing but the best at Hampton

Kevin Conroy will be graduating in June and will be attending the University of Charleston majoring in Computer Science. Kev started playing with the Jr. Huguenots in the sixth grade and went on to be a important part of the NRHS boys varsity basketball team.. In the semi finals Kev hit a 3 pointer that "sealed" the game and sent New Ro to the Championship game. The NRBA wishes Kev the best of luck in his studies in College.
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